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Charter of Rights

The rights listed below are what our residents who walk through our doors can expect from WIN House staff and volunteers.

Women Holding Hands

Right to Dignity & Respect to

  • Be treated in a respectful manner, regardless of their race, culture, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, class/economic position, sexual orientation, gender identity or legal status.

  • Service provision that is conducted in a nonjudgmental, factual, and respectful manner, free of gossip and speculation.

  • Respect for their needs, wishes, values, beliefs, and experiences.

  • Care based on support and healing.

  • Retain and use personal possessions, with access to secure storage, in keeping with safety requirements and other individuals' rights.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 

Right to
Self-Determination to

  • Identify their own needs and goals, have those needs and goals form the basis of the development of a plan for services, and have services provided in accordance with that plan.

  • A choice of services, and will not be denied other options if they do not choose one treatment or service.

  • Be well-informed about decisions pertaining to them.

  • Choose what they disclose.

  • Make mistakes.

  • Receive support at WIN House at any hour of the day.

  • Refuse service provision at any point.

  • Contact with any spiritual advisors of their choice, and to exercise their own religious and spiritual observances, rituals, customs and dress.

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Right To
Confidentiality To

  • Private communication with others in accordance with the law.

  • Confidentiality about personal information and records in accordance with the law.

  • Have their privacy respected.

  • Connect with spiritual advisors of their choice, and to exercise religious and spiritual observances, rituals, customs and dress.

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Right To 
Transparency To

  • Be included in and notified of any case planning and/or life altering decisions made by WIN House team members.

  • Effective communication in a form, language, and manner that assists the individual to understand the information provided.

  • Where necessary, this includes the right to a professional interpreter.

  • An environment that enables all people to communicate openly, honestly and effectively.

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Right To Be
Fully Informed

  • Be informed of their rights in this Charter of Rights.

  • Be honest and accurate answers to questions relating to services, including questions about:
      a. The name and qualifications of the provider.
      b. The recommendations for services.
      c. How to obtain an opinion from another provider.
      d. Where to access additional information if wanted.

  • Information requested about services and procedures relevant to being a WIN House Champion, such as rules, policies, and rights that apply to them at the WIN House, and have access to these in writing.

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Right To Freedom From Harm

  • Be free from physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, and financial abuse.

  • Be free from discrimination, harassment, retribution, unjust punishment and exploitation.

  • Not to be coerced or detained at WIN House.

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Right To Quality Services & Support

  • To have services provided in a manner that complies with legal, professional, ethical and other relevant standards.

  • To fair and equitable access to a range of services.

  • To assistance in obtaining: financial support, housing, recreation, employment supports, social supports, and community supports in keeping with their needs and wishes.

  • To assistance with meeting their basic needs, accessing education and vocational training, income, getting identification, housing, employment, social supports and health care.

  • To have any documentation, referrals, and reports contain only relevant, useful, and evidence-based information, and which avoid unfounded conclusions, prejudice, value judgements and labelling language.

  • To receive evidence and choice-based consultation.

  • To reasonable accommodations required to access services.

  • To co-operation and collaboration among providers to ensure quality and continuity of client-centred care.

  • To sufficient, nutritious food, in accordance with medical, religious requirements, personal and cultural requirements.

  • To daily access to the outdoors.

  • To seek an additional medical opinion.

  • To be informed of the name and staff title of those providing services to them, to express a preference and to have that preference considered.

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Right To Be Heard

  • Make a complaint, access advocacy, and to make suggestions and inquiries.

  • Make a complaint without retribution.

  • Be informed of any relevant internal or external complaints procedures.

  • You can make a complaint to: the individual(s) who provided the service, the Shelter Manager, Shelter Director, or Executive Director.

  • In the case of complaints made through WIN House's complaint process:
    1. Every individual has the right to have a person of their choice to support them through the complaint process.
    2. Staff must facilitate the fair, simple, and efficient resolution of complaints.
    3. The complaint will be acknowledged and documented. You will be informed of the progress of their complaint, in writing if requested.
    4. All complaints resolutions will be consistent with this Charter of Rights.

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PO Box 20088 RPO Beverly

Edmonton AB T5W 5E6

WIN House is an ongoing project of Edmonton Women's Shelter Ltd. 

Charitable Registration # 107283301RR0001 

WIN House is planning to raise an estimated amount of $1.41 million dollars this year through fundraising initiatives. It will cost our organization an estimated amount of $434,000 to raise this. Funds raised will be going to supporting individuals fleeing violence. For further information, please contact

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